Once again in this column,may we set our selves for a broader discernment and understanding of the above notion as thrown to us by the all generations' challenging playwright from England,that's
''There is nothing good or bad ,thinking makes so"My concern however is about the Lord`s gift of the colour ''BLACK'' which in many occasions has been associated with evil.
For this case we see even the StageProducing Directors (S.P.Ds) of plays,movie directors adopting it to highlight the always ''around the corner'' events of death,suffering, rape mention it.
It has also influenced the social ways of life of people for instace mourners have adopted to putting on black during burial.
The above and other incidences therefore have to me blindfolded the whole world,yet the same colour has been adopted for other much more aspects.
should we say such people are blind? or instead of them being blindfolded,they are the ones making the reality blind and even making it folded that they cannot see it.
Like Ngugi waThiongo,allow me speak to your mind basing on this article that ''weep not child,weep not child.''
The colour of our creator is still safe, for his omnipotence has made us blind and we have used on several occasions for which i now reveal to every body that the colour black is to us a BLESSING IN DISGUISE.
-Black coal is used for melting hard metals so as to have machines made and countries with such a mineral are called BLESSED.
-Black charcoal to majority of Africans is so useful that it can't be done away with .Maybe unless there is a move to have them fore go cooked food.
-The Black belts that are given to victors in games like judo,karate mention it.
-The black stone has always been and referred to as a final weapon for snake bites.
-Blacks (Africans) have been referred to as Blessed for their having a Good climate and to the occupants of other continents ,they call their friends ''Heroes'' who have ever been to Africa.
-Why of all colours must the youth put on black gurgles if not them telling me why they resent light in the disco halls
-This would be argued against if black was spared by the intellectuals but here comes the colour which occupies the biggest part of a graduation gown.
-Even in the religious context,while some catholic and protestant priests put on black cassocks,may the Muslim also think about the colour of the small house in the Mecca mosque if not telling me the colour of the most commonly put on Hijabs.
Why then do the majority of pentecostal pastors put on black suits? see the Orthodox priests. Sh sh sh sh (silence).Am still investigating why many traditionalists do their work in the night and when naked.