Friday, August 3, 2007


Rainy day always kept people indoors weather working or not. it so happened one particular Sunday that it stated raining at around 6:30pm when darkness gradually was conquering the light from the seeming-to-be tired sun.

it poured heavily that even kamagu who alwaystage

of rain water to fill his Jerry cans and later sell the water to "his lazy ones` as he usually called them.he found his way into the house and quietly sunk into his "mmazogont"

7:30PM,power went certainly know umeme`s power table therewas total silence, only for our ears to obediently listen to the now drizzling rain.the place was now in total darkness as dark as a grave or dungeon.
"brian goto the shop and buy a candle"mamasaid .I rolled in bed as though i was suffering from stomach pain,and then the next was asrerious,`hurry up, lazy boy` this time she commanded instead.

knowing her very well i couldn't wait for beatings on such a cold dark night.Rising and throwing my blanket off,i picked up atotch andquickly stood out with my torch on,slowlyimovedit round for self assurance of security.

At the rooftop wasalonely white dove.wondering what the littlething was doing out onaroof top at this time,i picked astone-missile and gave itahard one which pushed it to the ground only to find it disappearing to the invisible world.
Happy about suchatremendous achievement i proceeded to the shop while whistling.

just around the corner close to the dust bin, an incident occured that proved to me that not all dogs like those whistling.
three dogs surfaced be4me.theylookedfurious,hungry and angry.could easily tell from the way they sniffed. was the other dove afriend of these three beast -like dogs.

as they got closer and closer and more close with more determination thay looked.I felt blood chilling down my spine and making no mistake i decided to flee for dear life while screaming unfortunately no body could help.
the three beasts surrounded me ready to devour there prey.why have i killed that white dove?Are these dogs really going to eat me up?where have they come from?those are some of the questions that came to my mind.

In every bad,there isagood .i also got the opportunity to look at these merciless animals at close range as they kept on coming closer and surrounded me.

there was this small one which looked abitxcited the way it waged its tail and stood its was grey in colour,had tinyblack eyes and ablack long nose. its tail how ever was long and haily like that ofasquirrel.the other one was white with black spots and of a medium size.

the third one was very big with that boxed face,big black bloody bold blinking eyes with hanging ears like thosebull dogs.the big thing looked hungry like starved lion and greedy like ahyna.
the big thing pounced onme like alactating hungry leopard

No body could help me at this time and i felt like kneeling down before to the dogs.Did i,no.immediately i turned to the super natural being for my rescue and with my strength i calledout Jesus!before the beasts finished me.
On hearing that name,they fled in all directions.oh my GOD,it was terrible dream.i knelt and prayed and thanked God for helping conquer the beasts.prayer moves mountains.

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